Redflags® Security Stories 1.0
Push out engaging security content
Engage your employees with interesting and relevant security awareness in the form of “Security Stories”. Imparting actionable advice, policy and best practice… without feeling like it! Delivered straight to the desktop, this course removes the inertial barrier of accessing traditional web-based eLearning. The course aims to deliver a holistic overview of useful security advice that course attendees can apply in their working and home lives, on topics like phishing, data security and safe browsing.
Your users are drawn in by interesting images and headlines and then engage with a maximum of 1 minute’s content, at a time convenient to them. Stories include a question-and-answer component, as well click-throughs to more detailed content for the curious. Stories relate to personal as well as organisational security, further driving engagement.
What are Redflags® NCSC Assured Stories?
Our NCSC Assured stories represent a pre-packaged subset of the Redflags® toolkit. Follow this link for the full toolkit, including real-time “nudges”.
The Security Stories 1.0 course comprises a curated set of 21 Stories, delivering a full security awareness syllabus. English language only. It is intended for an audience who would like an introductory understanding of cyber security topics.
The NCSC Assured Training scheme covers Security Stories 1.0 training material and our management systems for administering and delivering the course.